Monday, 27 February 2012

I Love Pinterest but I Hate Kids

I express my fears about kids all the time. ALL the time. I fully believe that I will get over that at some point. I mean, I've come a long way in the last few months. I can even talk about potentially having kids, how we want to do things, etc.

For example, we strongly agree that we will keep it a secret as long as possible when we are expecting. Also we're not going to have a gross or ridiculous announcement. You're welcome.

But this poses a problem. I've always been 100% against girls who are obsessed with babies on Pinterest and make multiple boards for these phantom babies they don't have. Especially unmarried girls. You're not going to hide the crazy that way, ladies. The only exception to this rule is my bestie Eliesa, because she pins everything and has impeccable taste (Follow her boards). Also she's going to be an ultimate mom.

I will NOT be seen as baby crazy; I refuse. BUT. What about when I DO get pregnant and want to start pinning baby crap? IT WILL BE A DEAD GIVEAWAY!!!!! I want to keep it a dramatic whispered secret.

Should I start pinning baby shiz now so that I can shield my secrets in the future? Continue fighting the baby craze? Create a secret Pinterest account for my dirty little secret baby pins?

First World Probs.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Sometimes, Always, Never - Winter Style

Another installment of Sometimes, Always, Never

When it's cold (although it hasn't really been this winter, thank goodness) we bundle up. Here's some guidelines for winter fashion. Please share this with every BYU student you know.


Hats are, surprisingly, only SOMETIMES acceptable. Generally, yes. But not always. Hats are acceptable if they are

A. Presentable
B. Outdoors

When you go inside, take your hat off. What are you, a heathen?

TIP: I twist my top section of hair into a mini-bun before donning a hat to avoid "hat hair."

Also, a fedora is not a winter hat.


Scarves are almost idiot proof. Indoor, outdoor, with a coat, loose, tied. They almost always improve your outfit. I love a poppy print to spice things up. Here are some of my favorite scarf picks right now.


Please. Never ever ever.

Yes - 1, 3 and 4 were on BYU Campus. Thank you, BYUStyle friends.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Let's Get Down(ton)

I succumbed. I was finally seduced by the hype of the illustrious "Downton Abbey." I think I expected it to be much better because of said hype, but I enjoyed it.

Reasons Why You Should Watch Downton Abbey:
  1. Season 1 is on demand on Netflix. This is great because you can knock out the entire season in one weekend like I did. Much preferred. Season 2 concluded on TV this past Sunday, so hopefully we'll see that up on Netflix in a month or so, as it's already on DVD somehow. [Magic.]
  2. You will hate more people than you like on this show, but somehow still love it. I found myself cursing at the screen constantly, "Mrs. O'Brien! You little *(^%%$!!!!" and "I can't believe Thomas is such a *^*&9!"
  3. One of my teacher friends commented "You just feel smarter when you watch it." Agreed.
  4. Oh, you love bodices AND flapper style? What a coincidence.
  5. Unrequited love, the likes of which hasn't been seen since Jim and Pam. I'm an unabashed "shipper."
Until I can watch Season 2 on PBS or Netflix, I'm kind of looking for something new (in addition to Psych, which we recently started watching casually). Suggestions would be appreciated. Otherwise I'll be forced to continue watching old Reno 911 and Gossip Girl episodes until my IQ dissipates irreversibly.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Budge Gets a Budget

Being married means you have to be more responsible (boooooooo). So we budget, kind of. I use because it makes me feel super smart to see all the graphs and charts of my spending. And it's basically idiot-proof.

It's not secret how much I love to shop. I've never been very moderate with my shopping either. I'll go a couple months without hitting the mall, and then get sick of all my clothes and go buy 5 new outfits. Especially if it's a new season or I have something fun coming up, like a trip. I'm compulsive.

This month I decided to actually budget out the amount of money I could spend on clothes, track it and blog it. This is a feature I had planned for BYUStyle, but we no longer run that blog as we're not true BYU students anymore. :(

The idea behind a clothing budget is not just to make sure you don't overspend, but also to indicate the importance of clothing in your life, and making your closet and style a constant evolution that is growing ever-closer to your true, current taste. If you want to take your closet and style more seriously, which I suggest you should, check my older blog post about stepping up your style and creating a working closet.

This month (February), I allotted myself $100 for shopping. This includes anything for my personal style (clothes, jewelery, accessories) but excludes anything that I need to replace (my black tights, new socks, my wallet fell apart... etc).

My shopping goals (which I think everyone should have) are as follows:
  1. Buy things I can wear at school and on the weekends
  2. Buy things that stretch and expand my wardrobe. This means NO MORE BLACK, DANICA.
  3. Transitional pieces into spring.
  4. Buy things that I LOVE. My new rule, kind of going along with this budget, is that I don't buy anything impulsively. I sit on it for at least a day.
This is actually working really well for me. Having these goals and knowing I'm going to blog about it makes me more accountable. I've purchased a few things that I really love and feel great about. At the end of the month I'll post my purchases, so you can see how I budgeted for and accomplished these 4 goals. I plan to do the same for March.

The idea is to show you that fashion can be a priority and is do able, no matter your budget. Style should be a major part of your life, and you should approach it accordingly.

Anyone want to do this with me? Questions? Suggestions? I'm all ears.

Friday, 17 February 2012

It's Like Seeing A Dog Walk On It's Hind Legs!

When I was running BYUStyle (best blogging days of my life!), The Beard came up with the concept for a blogging series called "Sometimes, Always, Never." I thought it was great, but the post I wrote never got published and then we fizzled with graduating. But I'm going to do it now!

I live in the town where I teach. It has it's drawbacks. In fact, one of our teachers is leaving to teach at another school because he doesn't like to teach where he lives. I've lived here my whole life, so it isn't as big of a deal, but there is the inconvenience of often seeing my kids outside of school.

There are good and bad scenarios to being a teacher outside of the school walls.

Here's when I like being seen as a teacher in the real world:


When I see my students at the mall or in restaurants. We usually exchange smiles and a quick wave. Or if they don't see me I pretend to not see them. Visa versa, probably. Not a huge deal. SOMETIMES weird if they are weird about it. Whatever.


Tuesday night when we were at Magleby's for our romantic little Valentine's date, I ran into a mom of one of my students. We communicate frequently about his progress and we've become friends. She was so happy to see me and quickly pulled her husband over to meet me, and took the time to meet and introduce her husband to The Beard as well. After the issues with parents at the beginning of this term, it was really nice to see good, happy parents who appreciate teachers. That will ALWAYS be welcome.


The day before Thanksgiving, 10 pm, I'm in the kitchen making desserts to take to our double duty Thanksgiving festivities. I realize that I need more cream cheese for the mini-cheesecakes and we need to run to Reams super quick. How do I look?

Hair in a messy top knot (not in the chic way, but in the "I'm cooking" way.)

Oversized Star Wars t-shirt, hitting about mid-thigh

Black leggings. Probably with some flour fingerprints.

Boots, NOT Uggs. Let the record show that I was NOT wearing Uggs.

10 pm makeup - probably smudged or disappearing.

As I climb out of the car at Reams, I hear it. The dreaded:

"Dude. Isn't that your TEACHER?"

Two kids chillin on skateboards, drinking their Mountain Dew spot me and yell "Hey, Mrs. Holdaway! What are you doing? Cool Star Wars shirt? Is this your husband?" and who knows how many other things.

I was ambushed, you guys. I don't expect junior high kids to be out at 10:30 pm in public by themselves. I looked FANTASTIC obviously. So that's when it's NEVER ok to be a teacher outside of school. Basically just when I look like a WoW nerd in public.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

That's Why You're Single....

Valentime's day was awesome. The Beard nailed it, obviously. We started with a classy dinner at Magleby's and then followed it up with our V-day tradition - The Cocoa Bean.

I love the Cocoa Bean. It's well documented. No offense to the Sweet Tooth Fairy lovers, but I've always preferred Cocoa Bean's cupcakes, and their drinks are unbeatable. Everyone knows this.

LAO Crew, circa 2010

So Tuesday night, Valentine's Day, we are chilling at Cocoa Bean, enjoying our delicious drinks and the superb people watching, when two girls walk in.

Sweats & Uggs.

McDonald's bag of food.

5 Cupcakes between them. 5!!!!

Who ARE these people? I'm all for self-medicating and indulging once in a while. But a bag of McDonald's and 5 cupcakes? In public?!!!! You couldn't get them to go and eat at home? You couldn't at least put on some jeans and just eat your single cupcake with your girlfriend in public? There are so many wrong choices here, I can't even pinpoint the worst one.

Wait. Yes I can. It's the five cupcakes between two girls. Balanced precariously among the purses and McDonald's on the tiny cafe table.

I know you "don't care." YOU SHOULD CARE. This is what gives Provo a bad name. If you don't value yourself and want to be something great, how do you expect a young man to "man up" and see you with value? I'm not even going to ADDRESS the unhealthy status of your diet. Have some self respect. Until you do, you're likely to spend every Valentine's day with fast food.

Is that mean? I'm no longer single (praise the Lord), so I have little sympathy for these girls, but I was once in this position. I never ate a full bag of McDonald's and 5 cupcakes, but I've had those days. And I feel qualified to say that the turning point came when I woke up. I met The Beard (in his beardless days, believe it or not), and he was so vibrant, so fun, so lively. My life had lacked that for a while. But he made me see who I wanted to be. I wanted to be the girl that could match that. I finally started being the person I wanted to be - the one that a great guy wanted to marry and have forever.

And that girl does NOT wear sweats and Uggs to eat fast food and cupcakes in public.

Come on, sweetheart. It's for your own good. Trust me. I'm a married woman.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

ValenTIMES Day

I love Valentines Day. I always have. Even when I was single, I prided myself on not being one of those bitter girls. You know the types.

1. The Denier. Boycotts Valentine's Day by watching violent movies, wearing all black, locking themselves in their apartments. I bet that makes you feel better, huh?
2. The Annoyer. Pretends to not care, has a loud, obnoxious girls night by taking the tables meant for couples at the chic sushi restaurant. We get it. You're SOOOOO independent.
3. The Whiner. Basically just drops pity-party comments like "Well, if I HAD anyone to spend it with..." "These hearts just remind me that I'm alone, hahahaha! *sob*" There is a reason you're alone, sweetheart.

Celebrate LOVE you guys! It doesn't matter if you don't have it yet! It's ok. And it's ok for other couples to celebrate. The flowers, chocolates and teddy bears might be tacky, but it's not the items. It's a celebration of LOVE!

Last year's Valentine's, or ValenTIMES, as Ryan calls it, was amazing. Ryan surprised me with dinner at Shoga, a completely shocking ring shopping trip, and hilarious people watching at the Cocoa Bean. It was perfect. For our first married Valentimes we wanted to keep the pace.

Ryan is surprising me with the dinner location, again. Cocoa Bean will be our delicious dessert, and instead of ring shopping we're planning a cozy night with an old romantic movie (we're thinking "An Affair to Remember" or something equally classy).

I keep planning outfit after outfit. No one tell me I have to pick just one.

And I just couldn't resist the cute boxes of class Valentines so I got some classy Batman Valentines and I'm whipping up these pink beauties for our family and friends. Hopefully Cupid smiles upon me in this quest.

Love LOVE and love you all!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Tasting My Own Medicine...

Miss Katie suggested that I answer my own questions from the "Tagged" post. I suppose I shouldn't ask people to do something I wouldn't... so here goes.
  1. Last book you read? Memoirs of a Geisha - to brush up on Asian culture before I taught my Asia unit. Currently reading I Am Legend, which is weird and good.
  2. Favorite song right now? Somebody that I Used to Know - Gotye. Ryan's so sick of it.
  3. Favorite place to shop? I'm a big online shopper. But as far as stores go, I know I'll always find several things I love at Forever 21. It's a cheap weakness.
  4. Best purchase ever? Do I sound worthless if I say our TV? We got an awesome deal on it and I use it every day for The Office, Just Dance, Wii and Kickboxing. I love it. So much.
  5. Most embarrassing moment, please. Totally choking and forgetting the words to the National Anthem at a softball game. It was years before I could even TALK about it.
  6. First kiss story. May NOT be the same as #5. I was 16. I had been dating my boyfriend for a few months, neither of us had ever kissed anyone and we were super nervous about it. I'm pretty sure everyone knew we were gonna have our first kiss soon. It was like a random Thursday afternoon, we'd been doing homework at his house (torrid romance, obviously). I had to go home, probably for dinner, so he walked me out to my car. He just kept hugging me and I was like "Oh no. Not now. Not here. Not with the kids on their Razor scooters across the street." But he wouldn't let me go and, with my eyes open, planted the most flat, weird kiss ever on me. I guess I should be grateful it wasn't wet. Although I was scandalized the first time he stuck his tongue in my mouth. TMI. Not really sure who is actually reading this post. Anyways. Within 24 hours EVERYONE knew we'd kissed. And the rest is high school history, meaning we had a big emotional breakup a while later.
  7. Grossest food you've ever eaten? I once choked down gross greasy tacos at a really gross unclean house because it was a team lunch. I felt sick for days. I was certain I was going to get mad cow, botulism or some other awful unclean disease.
  8. What is your next vacation? What are your plans? We are contemplating a cruise for our 1 year anniversary in July, so I'm having a blast psuedo-planning that whole thing. But more realistically, we'll probably head down to St. George during Spring Break in like 6 weeks. Plans = eat, sleep, swim. Repeat. Can't wait.
  9. Favorite blog that you follow? Hard to choose. I follow well over 100 and I like them for different reasons. Famous people - Kendi Everyday, The Daybook, The Rockstar Diaries. Friends - Eliesa, Courtney and Jeanette make me smile and laugh.
  10. Celebrity you'd most like to punch in the face? I don't watch the Kardashian reality bullcrap TV, but I'd really like to punch Kim, I think.
  11. Something you LOVE that you're embarrassed about? I used to be really secretive about how much I loved Gossip Girl (Seasons 1-3).

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Tagged... I'm it.

I've seen these challenges, and never been tagged. I feel honored and also a little bit like I lost the tag game. Thanks, Karlie!

Here are the rules of the challenge:
1 - you must post the rules.
2 - post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post
3 - answer the eleven questions the tagger set for you in their post
4 - create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged
5 - tag eleven people and link them on your post
6 - let them know you've tagged them!

11 Fun Facts About Me
  1. I eat more microwave popcorn than anyone you know.
  2. I have an extremely obsessive personality. When I love something, I LOVE IT. Too much. A little like a crazy person.
  3. Due to my obsessive love of The Office (see #2), I regularly dream in full, original Office episodes. And they are hilarious! I always think about writing actual scripts and sending them to NBC. Maybe one day I will.
  4. I use Pinterest for everything. Seriously.
  5. Lately, I wake up at 4 am on the dot every morning, regardless of when I go to bed. Whyyyyy?
  6. I loved sports and always will, but during college I got super into yoga and now I'm getting into kickboxing.
  7. As much as I love the concept of a Zombie Apocalypse, if I ever have to "roug
    h it" I'll just cover myself in honey and lay down in front of a bear. Not worth it.
  8. I have earned over 600 stars on Just Dance 3.
  9. I have wanted to be a drummer since I was 6 years old. Meg White style.
  10. At any given moment, there is a 70% chance I'm picking at my split ends.
  11. I think I'm addicted to fashion magazines. And blogs.
Karlie's 11 Questions
1. How many kids do you want to have?
Right now? None. I'm kind of terrified of kids. I have "daymares" where I accidentally drop my babies on their heads. Part of me is scared I'll never get past that. But I know I will. In the future, maybe 2-3? Ryan wants a whole baseball team....
2. What is the number one quality you look for in a spouse?
Humor, always. Ryan and I love some quote that says something like "a relationship based on playfulness will last forever."
3. What is your favorite picture of all time? (Either post it or explain it)
4. What do you cook most often for dinner? (I need some ideas...preferably easy ideas)
The Beard loves mac n cheese more than anything, so I do a ton of variations of that. The next most common is what we like to call "Asian Wok Adventure," usually every Friday night if we don't make plans. It's fried rice, potstickers and whatever style Asian dish we want - General Tso's, Orange Chicken, etc.
5. What is your favorite craft you have ever done? (Will you teach me how to do it, I'm on a craft kick right now. Thanks)
I have never done a craft in my life and I suck at it. My cousin Chelsey is amazing at it though. She basically decorated her entire house in the cutest urban style and all homemade. Check her blog.
6. What has been your favorite date you have ever been on?
The Beard and I had been pseudo-dating for like 8 months, but had never really done a "real date." When we finally became "official," we went on a few "real dates" to "consummate" our relationship. My favorite one was a couple of weeks after we had been officially dating. He told me we were going on a nice date, but kept it a secret. He picked me up, in a nice shirt and his fancy jeans (embarrassing, honey?) and took me to his favorite Italian place, La Dolce Vita, which later became our "spot." (Really sorry for all the quotation marks.) Then he surprised me by taking me to see Easy A, because he hates movies. It was so simple and regular, but he made a real effort and it was just so sweet. I remember smiling for days.
7. How often do you change the sheets on your bed?
Not enough? He loves nothing more than a freshly made clean bed. I really try to get it every couple of weeks, but I need to improve.
8. Which is better - cherry, watermelon, strawberry?
9. Is Pearl an old person name? How about Ruby?
I will admit I think of a little old lady that is trying to give me some stale chocolate. I really like the name Ruby though.
10. Does the future scare you? Why or why not?
The future involving kids, yes. Otherwise, no. I really do have faith that everything is going to be awesome, even though we have no idea what we'll be doing even next fall. And I know that at some point I will feel better about having little ones.
11. What do you like more of in blogs, pictures or words?
It depends. On my fashion blogs - pictures all the way. But with the humor and narrative blogs, I love great stories and fun messages.

Here are the friends that I tag....
  1. Eliesa. Bestie
  2. Courtney Bestie
  3. Jeanette Bestie
  4. Katie S. Bestie
  5. Katie A. Married Besties
  6. Cristina, English Teacher Extraordinare
  7. Chelsey, Cousin/Sister-in-law
  8. Kaybri, High school sensation
  9. Meg from Pinker on My Side
  10. Lisa Nickle, funniest person I've never met
  11. Tayler from Wales

My 11 Questions
  1. Last book you read?
  2. Favorite song right now?
  3. Favorite place to shop?
  4. Best purchase ever?
  5. Most embarrassing moment, please.
  6. First kiss story. May NOT be the same as #5.
  7. Grossest food you've ever eaten?
  8. What is your next vacation? What are your plans?
  9. Favorite blog that you follow?
  10. Celebrity you'd most like to punch in the face?
  11. Something you LOVE that you're embarrassed about?
Thanks, all!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Thank You For Flying Personal Progress Airlines

For New Beginnings on Tuesday, our theme was "Fly into the Future" or something like that. Everything was airline/travel/trip themed. All of the Young Women leaders dressed as flight attendants and at the end we had little carts to take down the rows with cookies and drinks. It was actually pretty awesome. I think I make a prettyyyyyyyy good flight attendant.

Obviously I am not one of those daily outfit bloggers. What gave it away? The red eyes? Random pose in front of a clock wall? Iphone quality image? Lack of any image editing?

General awkwardness?

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Confucius Say...

On Monday we learned about Confucianism, so I had the kids read some Confucian sayings and then write their own. This was the best idea I ever had because they wrote some great and hilarious stuff.

Actual Confucian Sayings:

  • Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.
  • The superior man acts before he speaks, and afterward speaks according to his actions.
  • Choose a job you love and you will never work a single day in your life.
  • A lion chased me up a tree, and I greatly enjoyed the view from the top.

My kids' Confucian Sayings:

  • Girls are like war, dangerous and unpredictable.
  • Nature is beautiful because it chose to be.
  • Boys are like Pop-Tarts-- They're better when they're hot! (LOL LOL)
  • If you look at the ground you'll never see a rainbow.
  • Seek to express, not impress.
  • Chocolate makes a moment perfect.
  • Don't wait for a miracle - become one.
  • If you have haters, then you're doing something right.
  • No matter how good you are at something, there's always an Asian better than you.
I think the mix of hilarious and poignant is a great snapshot of what life is like here at the junior high. :)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Its Like a Metaphor...

At my new (baby) teacher meeting today they had us write a metaphor or simile for our first year of teaching.

Mine won. Suck on this, snobby English interns.

"My first year of teaching is the perpetual moment when you realize your chair is about to topple, while you balance a giant tub of popcorn, stack of papers and an icy Diet Coke in your lap."