Monday 13 February 2012

Tasting My Own Medicine...

Miss Katie suggested that I answer my own questions from the "Tagged" post. I suppose I shouldn't ask people to do something I wouldn't... so here goes.
  1. Last book you read? Memoirs of a Geisha - to brush up on Asian culture before I taught my Asia unit. Currently reading I Am Legend, which is weird and good.
  2. Favorite song right now? Somebody that I Used to Know - Gotye. Ryan's so sick of it.
  3. Favorite place to shop? I'm a big online shopper. But as far as stores go, I know I'll always find several things I love at Forever 21. It's a cheap weakness.
  4. Best purchase ever? Do I sound worthless if I say our TV? We got an awesome deal on it and I use it every day for The Office, Just Dance, Wii and Kickboxing. I love it. So much.
  5. Most embarrassing moment, please. Totally choking and forgetting the words to the National Anthem at a softball game. It was years before I could even TALK about it.
  6. First kiss story. May NOT be the same as #5. I was 16. I had been dating my boyfriend for a few months, neither of us had ever kissed anyone and we were super nervous about it. I'm pretty sure everyone knew we were gonna have our first kiss soon. It was like a random Thursday afternoon, we'd been doing homework at his house (torrid romance, obviously). I had to go home, probably for dinner, so he walked me out to my car. He just kept hugging me and I was like "Oh no. Not now. Not here. Not with the kids on their Razor scooters across the street." But he wouldn't let me go and, with my eyes open, planted the most flat, weird kiss ever on me. I guess I should be grateful it wasn't wet. Although I was scandalized the first time he stuck his tongue in my mouth. TMI. Not really sure who is actually reading this post. Anyways. Within 24 hours EVERYONE knew we'd kissed. And the rest is high school history, meaning we had a big emotional breakup a while later.
  7. Grossest food you've ever eaten? I once choked down gross greasy tacos at a really gross unclean house because it was a team lunch. I felt sick for days. I was certain I was going to get mad cow, botulism or some other awful unclean disease.
  8. What is your next vacation? What are your plans? We are contemplating a cruise for our 1 year anniversary in July, so I'm having a blast psuedo-planning that whole thing. But more realistically, we'll probably head down to St. George during Spring Break in like 6 weeks. Plans = eat, sleep, swim. Repeat. Can't wait.
  9. Favorite blog that you follow? Hard to choose. I follow well over 100 and I like them for different reasons. Famous people - Kendi Everyday, The Daybook, The Rockstar Diaries. Friends - Eliesa, Courtney and Jeanette make me smile and laugh.
  10. Celebrity you'd most like to punch in the face? I don't watch the Kardashian reality bullcrap TV, but I'd really like to punch Kim, I think.
  11. Something you LOVE that you're embarrassed about? I used to be really secretive about how much I loved Gossip Girl (Seasons 1-3).

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