Wednesday 3 April 2013

Workout Wednesday: Kickboxing or Watch Out, Criminals

This post is a little late for a Workout Wednesday, but I wanted to write after I got back from my first ever Kickboxing class!

Glen was all kinds of concerned about these scary black things

My good friend invited me to try it and boy, am I glad she did. I signed up pretty much instantly for $30 which included these free boxing gloves and 5 classes.

They also include disheveled hair and running makeup, if you were wondering...

I've liked kickboxing for a long time - I used to do Tae Bo with my mom occasionally back in the 90s, and more recently I did a kickboxing DVD workout that was on Netflix (curse you for removing all the workout videos, Netflix. How dare you). Apparently I'm naturally aggressive, because punching and kicking stuff is just way too fun and cathartic. 

The class started with a few jogging, high knees, grapevine and butt kicker laps around the studio. Then we did some Cross-Fit style training for about 5-10 minutes of mountain climbers, triangle pushups and V-ups. We did some light stretching and then hit the bags. 


The class moves from activity to activity for the whole hour, so you're responsible for taking breaks and water when you need them. They were really helpful and took the time to make sure I understood each sequence (jab-cross-hook-hook-knee-kick-jab-jab-what?), which I really appreciated. 

I felt like it was an amazing cardio workout, without the misery of running. Yahtzee. I know my muscles got a great workout because I could barely climb out of my car once I was home. 

The only drawback is that they really push to have you sign up for a membership - and it's pretty pricey. If I was trying to get in shape for something really pressing and worth the money - like a wedding or a cruise or to lose huge amounts of weight - I'd do it in a heartbeat. 

Their classes were fast-paced, so you never get a chance to feel bored or tired (it was almost over by the time I finally looked at the clock to see how much time remained), and they give you an awesome workout. It was also incredibly cathartic for "Freestyle Time" to just punch the crap out of that bag however I wanted. :)

I highly recommend the temporary pass for 3 or 5 classes and free gloves. Sign up at and choose whichever location works best for you. I'm signed up in Sandy if you want to join me. :)

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