Thursday 4 April 2013

Why I'm Not a Hipster Reason #274

Actual Conversation Yesterday:

The Beard shows me this picture/caption of Ron & Hermione-

"When two people are in love with each other but are too shy to admit it, although they still show it."

"Awwwwww cute right?!!!" - Beard

{He always expects like extra credit for showing me HP stuff. It shouldn't be extra. He should be just as obsessed with it as I am.}

"Awwww! Wait. Wait...... that's what skinny love means?" - me

"Yeah. Like when you like each other but don't say it and it's like fragile you know?" - Beard

{Also he kind of IS a hipster and loves this song and Bon Iver.}

"Ohhhhh..... I just thought it was like his girlfriend was really tiny or whatever." - me.

"Oh my...! Are you serious?!" - Beard *Embarrassed shock and laughter*

In case you aren't familiar with the song, here it is. I think I'm justified in thinking he's singing about his girlfriend. I never "get" the "deep, intellectual, symbolic" meanings of folk/hipster music.

The Beard has written one song about me and I hate it because it sounds so sad and depressing.
"No it's a beautiful love song! It's deep."
Sure it is. Sure.
Maybe I just want a love song that is pretty straightforward and awesome like this, then. Will you give it a try, Beard?
Sorry, this is my new favorite song. Yes, I'm embarrassed. No, I'm never going to stop loving it.

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