Tuesday 24 July 2012

Why You Shouldn't Post Your Opinion on Facebook

#1. No one cares. Sorry. But for real.

#2. Your amateur opinion is not going to change anyone's mind. If you care deeply about a certain topic, either they do too and won't be swayed, or they don't and won't ever care. Hence, useless.

#3. Facebook arguments literally bring out the worst in EVERYONE. Have you ever seen a Facebook argument that doesn't end in childish name-calling or deleting the comments/original post? No. Because it's against the rules of physics to have a logical, mature discussion on Facebook.

#4. Having an opinion, whether it's about gun control, gay marriage, or the Twilight series, does not mean you also have to share it or shove it down anyone's throat. Contrary to popular belief, you CAN just have your own private personal opinions. 

#5. If you really, truly care about something, you'd be spending your time doing that thing in real life, not Facebooking about it.

Go ahead. Like a Facebook page. Write a blog post. Create an event. Talk to me about it in person. But if you post it regularly as a Facebook status I reserve the right to leave trolling comments and alter my opinion of you.

Also I'm going to buy some of these and use them liberally.

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