Monday 30 July 2012

Kick the Bucket (List)

During the last couple of weeks of school, while my kids were diligently working on their final projects, I started compiling the perfect summer bucket list. I scoured the internet, recalled past fun summers and searched pinboards.

Unfortunately the summer is 2/3 over, and I haven't even scratched 1/3 of the items. Help?

Some of the items - stargazing, picnic, and camping will hopefully be accomplished this week on a camping trip with the Findeises. I know. I'm as surprised as you are.

I have less than a month to finish off the rest of the list.

  • Swimming at the Res
  • Provo River Trail (non-raping hours)
  • Temple Square
  • Hogle Zoo
  • Clark Planetarium
  • Feed ducks
  • Try tennis
  • Visit Art Museums
  • Free concerts
  • Sunrise Yoga
  • Tour State Capital
  • Try a new temple
  • Hike the Y (any takers?)
  • Bike Ride
  • Burraston Ponds
  • Lagoon!
  • Midnight food run at the hospital. What's up Oreo shake?!
  • Gilgal Sculpture Garden
  • Try a crazy new restaurant. I'm thinking ethnic.
  • "This is the Place" Monument
  • Red Butte Garden
  • Drive-in Movie
  • Living Planet Aquarium
  • Tracy Aviary
  • Rock climbing (Ashby's?)
  • City Creek
  • Keys on Main

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