Friday 27 July 2012

Sometimes, Always, Never - Neon

Nothing brings out a summer tan like neon.  You can't go into stores today without walking right into a display of new neon goods. Here's my advice for the neon trends:


Start out small with accessories like a belt, necklace, and nails. But check the mirror to make sure it's a *pop* and not a *CLASH* of color.

Wear the neon BIG. Like a shirt or pants. After trying neon nails (which I love) I branched out. I got two neon v-necks from Victoria's Secret 2 for $28, which is awesome by the way, and I've been mixing it into my routine.


Pare down your neon with neutrals - black is great for night but can look too severe for day, tan is very runway-chic this season, and white is the celebrated combo. I chose gray with neon pink for a casual afternoon with my family - Happy Sumo and The Dark Knight Rises. The Beard is getting sick of taking iPhone outfit photos, but he's nice and does it anyways. :)

Tone down your makeup. Define your eyes with liner and mascara and swap your blush for bronzer. Nude lipstick or a sheer gloss, take it easy on the color. Your neon is supposed to steal the show.


Avoid your problem areas with neon. If you are worried about your BBQ belly, don't wear a tight neon tee. Yuck.

If you are wearing neon to work or church, be forewarned that everyone is looking at you and shaking their heads in disappointment.

If you are very fair, take it easy with the neon. You'll look like a Tim Burton character. See-through, green-tinged and creepy. 

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