Monday 2 May 2011

Got Brains?

Now that I'm done with school (I still do a victory dance every time I get to say that), I finally have time to read. I was finally able to start this zombie book I've been wanting to read for a while, which has rekindled my zombie love once again.

Zombie literature/cinema/pop culture is becoming much more trendy. Which for once I think is great. So many people think zombie stuff is just about gore and terror. Great characteristics, but not vitally important to good zombie material. Scary movies are what led me to zombie stuff, but it's the realism that really addicted me. What if there was a zombie apocalypse? Would you live in a mall? Which person in your family would be the one to completely lose their heads and run screaming into a horde of ghouls? Would humanity be preserved? Is emotion humanity's greatest strength, or will it prove its downfall? This is deep stuff, you guys.

So now. Without further ado, my top zombie picks:

1. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. What started it all. I got this book and read it rapidly over Christmas break last year. It combined two of my favorite things - the wit, intrigue and romance of an Austen novel with the intensity, fear and violence of apocalyptic fiction. Fantastic. People have asked "Well doesn't it take away from P&P?" My answer is no. It absolutely does not. He sticks to the story and shows supreme respect for Austen's work. This is hands down my favorite book. I love it. With all my heart.

2. Zombieland. This movie is hilarious and entertaining. Great acting. Great effects. Overuse of the f-word (sorry). Just all around awesome.

3. The Zombie Survival Guide. The Beard gave me this for Christmas and I haven't had a chance to read it until now. It's incredible. Max Brooks is awesome. He details categories of zombie breakouts, weapon use, stealth methods, anything you can think of. It's completely serious. I love it.

4. Humans vs. Zombies. Utah State University participated in this Zombie Week game where people were tagged as zombies and their goal was to infect as many people as possible, and students could defend themselves with Nerf guns. That alone was almost enough to make me want to change my major and transfer. No way would BYU ever OK something like this. Still. I am now adding to my list of goals that I would like to participate in this game at some point in my life. Learn more about it at

5. World War Z. Another Max Brooks classic. If you are into historical fiction, military fiction, action, or apocalyptic stuff, this book is for you. It's a collection of stories from all kinds of people documenting the different stages and location of the Zombie War. Incredible. The detail and seriousness that Max Brooks achieves is stunning. I couldn't put it down. Thanks to my zombie buddy and co-worker Chris for lending it to me! I'll give it back someday...

These are my top 5, but I have quite a few more recommendations, if you are looking for more. Try it. Try some Zombies. It might surprise you how much you like it. It's not just about eating brains, after all...

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