Monday 16 May 2011

Sparkly like a Vampire

I'm sure you've heard by now.... I'm engaged!

I've found it. Gushy, all-consuming, inconvenient, fuzzy, warm love. Soon to be ironclad in the Salt Lake Temple. {July 22, 2011}

I'm that girl now. The girl blogging about her perfect fiance and charmed life. I'm that girl that giggles to herself and pretends to be cool, while actually fighting the idiot grin constantly threatening to spread across my face. I'm that girl. And I'm sorry. Please forgive and humor me.

Some people have been surprised. I kept Ryan and our relationship on the DL for a long time. I haven't been super gushy (right? just agree with me). And we're getting married so soon!

Well. It's actually been a long time coming. We've had our temple date since early March. We went ring shopping in February. I have a dress (!), photographer, reception center, and many other items planned out. We've been waiting on a ring. Which has been a fiasco. [For those of you who heard from my MOTHER that I was engaged, I'm sorry. I didn't forget to tell you. I just wasn't engaged. We were waiting on the ring. Which is well worth the wait. It's perfect. And he did it all by himself. I picked a good one.]

Anyways. The ring came. Ryan was going to propose on Wednesday. But I was mad at him. He was going to propose Thursday afternoon. But I was mad at him. After all this stress and time, I'M the one preventing my own engagement. My life is a sitcom.

Later Thursday night, once everyone (me) was happy and calm again, we enjoyed Office/Parks n Rec night with my family. Everyone went off to bed and we were just hanging out. We started talking about wedding plans and Ryan was being super sweet. [I mean. He was being really badass and cool. He has a reputation to maintain.] He started telling the story of Danica Ewok Dumbledore Megatron Calrissian Budge (long story), chronicling our friendship and dating, and then he got to the best part - deciding to get married. I felt him slide something metal onto my finger and obviously started freaking out. He said some more nice things. And then he said IT.

"Will you marry me?"

Yes. Yes I will.

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