Tuesday 27 March 2012

Everybody is Cake Balling Except for Buster

Cake pops are the fun new trend on the dessert scene, and I'll admit I've been intrigued. Never much of a cake person, something small and bite-sized rather than an enormous slice seemed much more doable. I've never been incredibly crafty, nor have I been mistaken for Betty Crocker. Still, I've been looking for a good reason to make them and finally the opportunity presented itself. Saturday was the Young Women's General Broadcast and our ward did a mother-daughter dinner beforehand. I was divinely assigned treats by our Beehive advisor.

I ventured into the unknown dessert land with a heart full of hope, and I was rewarded. Cake Pops are not that hard. Even Danica can do it. Ryan snapped a few photos as I was making them, but I clearly don't have the photo/blogging prowess to be a real life Mormon Housewife blogger. But here goes. Click here for the exact recipe I used.

1 baked Funfetti Cake (so including the oil, water and eggs, or however you choose to bake it)
1 package of frosting (I used Whipped buttercream flavor)
1 package of Almond Bark
2 tbsp of Shortening
Large Disc sprinkles

First, bake your cake. I did this Friday afternoon.

Next, crumble it up into a bowl. The browner edge-parts may not crumble and look gross, so I left them out.

"WHY DID YOU RUIN THAT CAKE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" - The Beard during this step.

Dump in the frosting and mix well. I poured some small sprinkles in as well, so it looked more "Funfetti-y."

This is (one of) the messy parts. Roll the mixture into small balls and place on a cookie sheet covered in wax paper, parchment paper or aluminum foil. The more spherical and even the balls, the better. Your hands will be covered and gross, by the way.

Freeze. I froze them overnight. This process is a bit long to do all in one day.

On Saturday afternoon (when I woke up.... yikes), I melted the almond bark with the shortening in a small, deep bowl. Melt it for about 1 1/2 minutes, stir, then again for 15 second intervals, stirring in between until it seems well mixed and melted.

This was the hardest part for me. I'm going to find a better way to do it (suggestions?). I used a fork to spear and dip each cake ball into the candy, let the excess candy drip off and placed it on the pan. The hardest part is getting it off the fork without totally screwing up the candy coating on the top. You may need to drip some extra candy melting to cover up the fork punctures. Then I sprinkled the large disc sprinkles on the top while it was still wet.

I placed the finished pans of cake balls into the freezer to set up for about 30 minutes before placing them in a little basket and taking them up to the church for the dinner. Regretfully, I only got a picture of the two "crippled children" or imperfect ones that The Beard wanted to eat. So these have way more around the bottom that I didn't drain off well enough.

But I have to admit, they were delicious. Time-consuming, but fairly easy. And they look oh-so-pretty.

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