Friday 19 August 2011

Not Your Average Mormon Housewife Recipe Blog

On the first day of school I'm having my students write a recipe... for themselves. This is a good way for me to get to know them, as well as providing an opportunity for creativity. We're also making a school-wide effort to increase reading and writing in all disciplines, which I think is a fantastic idea. Everyone, even you. Yes you. College attending or not. You should read and write more. (Hint: it makes you smarter.)

I have a policy of doing each assignment I'm asking my kids to do so that I make sure

A. It isnt ridiculous

B. I have good instructions for them

C. I can answer any questions/prevent problems

Therefore I condensed myself down to a recipe. What is YOUR recipe? Enjoy!

Preheat oven to St. George temperature - 80 degrees Farenheit.

Mix 7 seasons of The Office with 1 Liter of optimism in a mixer.

Add 3 softball games, one at a time. Mix on low.

Add 2 teaspoons of Zombie movies, 1 bag of microwave popcorn and a case of Diet Dr. Pepper. Let sit for 1 weekend.

Form into a short, blonde mass and sprinkle with a handful of classic rock.

Bake for 21 years.

Prepare a frosting of yoga and reading. Spread on when cool.

Serve with friends, family and students.

Makes 1 Mapleton Mustang.

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