Saturday 10 July 2010

Wales: Day 3 Cathedrals and Castles and Plays, Oh My!

Tuesday morning we hit the road bright and early to catch a variety of sites. I was still battling jet lag as best I could, but was still a little sleepy. :) First we went to a GORGEOUS cathedral - Gloucester.

Does this hall look familiar to anyone?

Oh that's right. Harry Potter 2 & 6 were filmed here. It's the outside of the Chamber of Secrets. What? My nerdiness is amusing you? Perfect.


After Gloucester, we traveled to Kenilworth Castle. Kenilworth has a rich history and is one of the largest and best preserved of the medieval castles. I am only including 1 photo because I'd like to do a blog post about Kenilworth in conjunction with Welsh romanticism once I'm caught up.

We ended up in Stratford-upon-Avon. That's right. Shakespeare's hood. I loved this little town! It's definitely catered toward tourists, but I loved it. The streets were full of cool shops and I was finally able to exchange my dollars for pounds (We were in too big of a hurry at the airport). We enjoyed delicious truffles at a famous little French shop, and then prepared for King Lear. Great show. Shakespeare never ceases to amaze (and often confuse) me. We also got to see Shakespeare's grave inside this old cathedral.

Fantastic day and a fantastic show! I'm absolutely loving the UK!

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