Friday 23 July 2010

Wales: Day 15 Am Iddo Beidio, Jennifer!

Sunday (July 18) was a pretty nice, laid-back day. We walked through the misty rain to church at Coleg Glan Hafren for another bizarre but spiritually strengthening meeting. After church, Tom granted us a free day, which was absolutely lovely.

We used our free afternoon to celebrate Jennifer's birthday! Since I haven't described our living situations clearly yet, let me take the opportunity to do so now. In Penny Lane we have 8 girls

  • Laura
  • Liz
  • Jennifer
  • Beth
  • Jessica
  • Gillian
  • Sam
  • Me
The first four are in a cooking group, and us last four are in a cooking group. We easily have the best housing group, even if we do have the gnarliest house out of everyone. We all get along and have tons of fun, so it's pretty awesome.

We cooked a group dinner and had cake and ice cream for Jennifer's birthday, which was really great. In honor of our group of friends and the vibe of Penny Lane, I'm including here a list of our phrases, jokes and sayings that have become ridiculously inside and funny as the days have gone by:

Am iddo beido!
"Eat it up..."
Dongle - Dongling - Dongled
Mystery Meat Grab Bag
Black Currant
Neighbors blasting Journey, 2005's Top 40, and Shakira 24/7. No, really.
"He left us!!! HE LEFT US!!!"
Calendar-scheduled Sexy Time
And plenty more. :)

Long live Penny Lane, and Happy Birthday Jennifer!

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