Tuesday 6 April 2010

In a Flash

For my Project #3, I decided to use an online flashcard builder as tool for an assignment for a history class. I created a worksheet outlining the process and instructed students to create online flashcards for their textbook unit.

Unit Term Flashcards

At the end of each unit you will be expected to create and show proof of a set of flashcards made for the unit terms listed in the text and at the end of each unit. You may create traditional 3x5 cards or you may use an online flashcard builder like Flashcard Machine. For the first unit, your assignment is to create a set of flashcards using this website, so that you may learn how to use it.

Steps to Create a Flashcard Set
1. Go to www.flashcardmachine.com to create an account
1.1. Choose the tab “MyFlashcards”
1.2. Click “Register Here”
1.3. Enter your information. Make sure you indicate that you are a student. If you do not have a personal email account, please let me know. I can sign you up under my teacher account.
1.4. Check your email for the verification link and validate your account. Then click the link “Get Started Creating Flashcards”
2. Create a New Flashcard Set
2.1. Follow the directions to identify the flashcard set.
2.2. You can add your flashcard set to the Flashcard Database if you want to coordinate and work with friends. Similarly you can give your flashcard set Read-Only Access. This means that you can get a URL for your flashcard set to share with others who may not have an account with Flashcard Machine.
2.3. Save the flashcard set
3. Add/Edit Flashcards
3.1. Click button labeled “Quick Editor” to add and edit cards. When you become comfortable with Flashcard Machine and want to take your flashcards to the next level, you can use the Advanced Editor to attach images or audio to your flashcards. For now, Quick Editor does everything you will need.
3.2. Click “Save” after entering in all of your cards, and then “Exit
4. Begin Studying
4.1. Click “Start Study Session”
4.2. A dialogue box will come up asking for the study session settings you would like.
4.2.1. Order – You can choose Random, or Ascending/Descending if you have a specific order.
4.2.2. Term vs. Definition – Choose which you would like to see first. I recommend doing each in separate study sessions.
4.2.3. Flagged Cards – Once you have flagged cards, you can leave those cards out (if you already know them by heart), do only those cards (if they are particularly difficult or important) or just leave them with the set. You may flag cards in the edit screen or while studying.
4.2.4. Auto-flip – If you would like to set a specific time limit to spend on each card or not have to click them over, you can choose auto-flip and designate how long you would like each card to stay up before flipping.
4.3. Click “Begin.” It will bring up a flashcard window. You may then choose to flip, change cards, and finish your session.
4.4. You may save sessions for up to 1 week. The dialogue boxes will walk you through it when you log out.

To exemplify the process, I followed the assignment details and created a small set of flashcards for unit terms in one of my textbooks. My set of flashcards can be found here.

This is a project I will definitely use in my history and other courses. I will even use it in my studies here at BYU. It is incredibly helpful to have access to the flashcards whenever I am on a computer. This is an incredibly easy tool to learn to use and to implement in the classroom.

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