Friday, 21 June 2013

Apricot Lane Blogger Event/Giveaway!

I've teamed up with Apricot Lane Boutique
 to kick off a summer of style. 

We're throwing a party, and you're invited! Join us on Thursday, June 27th from 6-8pm at Apricot Lane Boutique in The Shops at Riverwoods. It will be a night filled with fun and fashion--you won't want to miss it! For more details, visit the event page on Facebook.

I can't go. :( I will be in Boston for a weeklong American Revolution Field Study, so I guess I'm not too sad about it. :) But you should all go check this blogger event out because Apricot Lane throws an awesome party. 

As part of our collaboration, Apricot Lane is giving away TEN $25 gift cards to spend the night of the event. Enter to win by using the Rafflecopter below. The more requirements you complete, the greater your chance will be at winning. 

Ten winners will be selected on Wednesday, June 26th and contacted via email. The gift cards will be awarded by Apricot Lane Boutique the night of the event.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Workout Wednesday: Zombie Chase!

Look at these regular posts you guys! It's amazing what not having a full time job can do for your blogging life. Being a teacher is pretty cool sometimes.

Workout Wednesday is back in full force and you know why? The Zombie Chase. On Saturday, me, my sister-in-law Haley and some of our friends will be running the Zombie Chase 5K through the ghost town/obstacle course in Eureka. The run goes through buildings, zombie traps, rope courses and a paintball shooting finale - all under the light of a luminous full moon. (If you want to run with us - slowly - there's still space! Sign up for the 10 pm wave and email me so we can meet up!)

That's pretty much the only thing that can entice me to run. At all. Like any sane person, I hate running. I'm so bad at it. I play sports, it's true. But when I get on a treadmill I seriously can't even run a mile. So I'm counting on my adrenaline and my competitive nature to get me through this.

To prepare, I finally downloaded Zombies! Run on my iPhone. In a word (2 words): WORTH IT. It is so much fun. Never in my life have I TRIED to find time to run. Each day I download a mission, in my role as Runner 5. It might be a routine run for supplies or to save a lost child - the story plays between the songs of my selected playlist. As you run you collect supplies and you build up your base after your run. Sometimes during a song you'll hear "ZOMBIES DETECTED 50 METERS" and it beeps until you evade them.

So picture this. Danica. Laboriously jogging at an embarrassing pace on a treadmill at a busy Gold's Gym. All of a sudden she lets out a short low "OH!" and turns up the speed to an all out sprint. "Come onnnnnnn Come onnnnnnnnn" she spurts between pants. Finally a "Yessssssss!" and she's down to a walk, red-faced and hyperventilating. 

Because that's what I accidentally did the first time I tried it. I was so into it I completely lost awareness that I was in a gym, surrounded by bros and old ladies.


Since then I've been running outside. I've taken Glen Coco with me twice, and it's over.

Time #1 - Joy

Little kids, puppies and birds to chase? THIS IS THE LIFE

Time #2 - Heat Stroke/Defiance

We cut this run short, obviously because SOMEONE decided to just let the Zombies eat us. If you noticed how show my pace was on the iPhone screen above it's because after coaxing him into a sprint to evade a zombie horde, in 90 degree heat, when he desperately needs a haircut, I allowed him a much needed walk and then he gave up. Sorry, Abel Township. That child is not getting rescued.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Our Fake Baby, Apollo

Yesterday, I listed "Apollo" as one of the "odd things" in my house and promised an explanation - here goes.

When Ryan & I were engaged, so were our besties, Brad & Eliesa. My other bestie, Katie, was pregnant with her little sweetheart Diva Eva. And the three of us - Katie, Eliesa & I, worked at the LAO.

During the summer months it got really boring, especially in the afternoons. We'd find things to keep us entertained when everyone was gone.
  • Online Typing Tests
  • Stalking singles ward members
  • Creating/posting for BYUStyle
  • Running to the South End Market, AKA "South of the Border" for Diet Coke
But the weirdest turn those afternoons ever took was the day we created Apollo.

Katie was pregnant and we were talking about ugly babies. Because there are ugly babies. You know there are. We all like to pretend like babies are all perfect and beautiful, but the fact is that some babies are just scary and, as my dad would say "Give that monkey a banana."

To be sure that her baby wouldn't be ugly, she found a free site that takes photos of two interested parties and shows what their theoretical child would look like. If I'm remembering correctly, the first few came out looking troll-like, even though Katie and TJ are goodlooking people. Eliesa joined in with pictures of her and Brad, similar results. I'm serious. Go look at the babies on the front page of the website and you'll see what I mean.

They asked me several times to join in, but I wasn't having it. I was (and still slightly am) terrified of babies and being a mother. I didn't like to think about it. On top of that, my mother-in-law was (and still completely is) all about being a grandma.

Eventually, they pulled pictures of Ryan and me from Facebook and just did it for us. I was pretty scared actually, after seeing so many weird combinations from my friends, all of whom I thought were above average looking people.

But then, they showed me this. And I got over my baby fear. For about 15 seconds. I mean. Look at those curls and that devious little smile?

I emailed it to Ryan, who promptly named him Apollo and forwarded him to my mother-in-law, who promptly printed him out and taped him to her computer. She still affectionately refers to him as her "Little Grandbaby Apollo, who like Mac n Cheese and brings sticks in the house."

He now hangs on our fridge - each day making me slightly less scared for becoming parents.

Until I see a kid screaming uncontrollably at Walmart and then puke all down his front.

Reset button.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Liebster Award! + 11 Random Danica Facts

My sweet friend Tayler from my study abroad/teaching tagged me in the Liebster Award. Like a year ago and I'm finally getting around to it. Thanks/sorry Tayler!

"Liebster" means dearest in German, and it's awarded, blogger to blogger, to up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.  The rules for accepting and giving the award are pretty simple.  Once you accept the award, you just have to do the following in a blog entry:

Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator on her blog
Give 11 facts about yourself
Nominate 5-11 other new, up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers
Make up 11 more questions to pass on to the bloggers you choose to nominate
Thank your nominator by linking back to her blog
Upon your post going live, contact your nominees about your nomination for them

1) What made you start blogging?

I had to create my blog for my Instructional Technology class at BYU, and kept it because I was going to Wales that summer and wanted to share my pics/adventures with family and friends at home. I'm so glad I did because I go back and re-read those posts all the time for fun!

2) What is your blogging dream?
Blogging dream.... I'm not sure.  I like fashion blogging, but I'm not really aiming to BE a fashion blogger. I like new readers but I'm not really trying too hard to get new readers. What I really love my blog for is writing - I love to write and I think it's a strength of mine.  I guess I'd just really love to be able to reach a lot of people (What constitutes "a lot"? 300? 500? 1000? Idk) and have people laugh and enjoy it. I'd even like to land a writing job with my blog. 

3) What is your dream job, and do you have it/are you working toward it? 
As listed above - writing. Particularly about Utah culture/trends/observation/fashion. I would also quit my job on the spot to become a personal shopper or stylist. Need a new change? Take me shopping with you for a day and let me take you to all the stores and choose stuff for you. PLEASE. I want to. So bad. 
4) What are you a junkie of?
The Office. Diet Coke. Popcorn. Pinterest. 
5) Since I'm a teacher, what was your favorite subject in school? Why?
English or History depending on the year. Figures right? I love reading, writing and learning about other people. 
6) What is your favorite book? Why?
Obviously Harry Potter (all of them). But I think that kind of can't count because they are everyone's favorites. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies is probably my other favorite. I love P&P like any woman, but the zombie addition is literally the greatest, most Danica combination that exists, ever.

7) Name a country you want to visit from every continent.

North/Central America - Mexico
South America - Brazil
Europe - Italy
Asia - Japan, since my baby bro will be in Fukuoka for 2 years!!
Australia - duh. 
Africa - Morocco
Antarctica - I'd rather not.  
 8) What are all the languages you speak (real or fake, fluent or not)

I took 4 years of Spanish. Loved it. Don't remember much.
9) What is the most annoying thing people do?

Just a few weeks ago my students had to turn in their final projects, and I had some CRAZY freaking moms defending their children for cheating and doing their projects for them. So I think I'd have to say coddling and ignoring children. They need you so bad parents! They need you to be good examples. They need you to let them grow and learn from their own mistakes. But they also need you to step in and correct their behavior when it is bad. The most annoying thing people do is act selfishly as parents.

10) What are three interesting things in your house?

Baby Buddha - The Beard and Glen hate it. They both bark at it routinely. 

Storm Trooper Steve - My Valentine's Day present

Apollo  - Blog post to explain this is forthcoming.  

11) What is your favorite post that you've done in the past year?

Probably my post about Finals. Or my post about the high school teacher who lied to the whole school about my brother having an ecstasy party. Both super snarky and angry. I guess that's kind of my thing.

And now.... 11 facts about me:

1. I love sports and played soccer/softball/basketball pretty much always, but I'm really a girly girl. I love makeup. Birchbox is my new favorite thing - each month they send you a bunch of beauty product samples and it's like a mini-Christmas. I love it so much I signed up for the makeup counterpart Ipsy and I'm waiting for my first box now!

2. I've got zombies on the brain especially now because I am signed up to run the Zombie Chase 5k in Eureka on Saturday! The Zombies Run! app is how I'm training. :)

3. The Beard says everyone has their "gospel hobby" where they feel comfortable in the church. Mine is the scriptures.

4. I'm a side sleeper.

5. Glen is also a side sleeper and he likes for me to be the little spoon so he can be the big spoon. We cuddle all night. You're dying of the cuteness right now, aren't you?

6. Everyone thinks because I play sports I must be outdoors-y. I hate camping.

7. I forget about my blog for weeks at a time. Like I literally don't think about it.

8. I'm a really happy person, generally. My moods don't swing too much. But when I finally allow myself to be really sad about things, I spend way too many hours in bed with the Office and I wallow. I'm a wallower.

9. I'm a Pinterest whore. And I mean that in a good way. I actually use all of my boards on Pinterest, believe it or not. And I have several categories. Check it out. Be impressed.

10. I almost died when I was born. The doctors told my mom I was probably going to be slow. It's also why my eye does the crazy things it does beyond my control.

11. I used to tell people my name was Vanessa when I was little because I thought my name was weird and Vanessa was a pretty name for pretty little brunette girls. Grass is always greener, right?

Ok so here are my friends that I've tagged.

Eliesa from BE Here and There (to get her back into blogging - we've all been waiting patiently!)
Katie from Silver Linings. She's a big fancy NY girl now.
Katie from These are the Days - gym buddy and puppy mama like me.
Nichole from The Keeles - a fellow Office lover and blog friend that I've never met. Let's fix that.
Karlie from The Mitchell Family - soon to be mama of twins!

Alright ladies. Answer these questions or else.

1. Who is your favorite Office character?
2. What are you the most proud of in your life?
3. What books should all of us be reading at the pool this summer?
4. What beauty product can you not live without?
5. Where is your favorite secret place to shop (physical or online store)?
6. What is your best piece of marriage advice?
7. When you are stressed and just want to fast forward life to happier times, what do you do?
8. What is your favorite blog that you HAVE to read every day?
9. I finally have an iPhone. What are your favorite apps that I should go for?
10. What is your favorite workout to get in shape?
11. Favorite obscure YouTube videos... Go!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

It's a Booze Cruise!!

On Tuesday We took a little cruise around the Na'Pali Coast and it was pretty awesome. We did it to celebrate Brookie's 21st birthday!!

The coast has small stretches of pristine beaches and miles of steep black cliffs with spikey spears known has Hawaiian Cathedrals. The volcanic rock makes for some cool snorkeling too. You guys... I was even brave enough to snorkel for like 15 mins!!! There were fish swimming all around me and I kept visualizing phantom sharks in the distance but I survived. 

The really cool part of the cruise was after dinner when everyone was enjoying Mai Tais and beer. Well, everyone except for us obviously. One of the crew came to ask us if we wanted a round. When we said no thanks, she looked around at us. 

"Are you guys all together?" I could see her trying to piece together our group, so I quickly explained and pointed. Mom, Dad, siblings, son-in-law. 

"So you're the mom? All 3 of these kids are yours?" She asked my mom, almost in wonder. 


We all laughed and she just shook her head. "No offense! That's hard!"

"It's worth it!" My mom smiled. 

"I'm just impressed," the lady said. "Keeping a family together is hard." 

And I just thought.... No. It really isn't. When you know, as we do, that family is the #1 priority, and ACT LIKE IT, it isn't hard. It's a natural consequence. We've taken precautions and extra time to make sure our family was tight, and though we're far from perfect, we have achieved that goal. 

The conversation turned to where we were from, which turns to how we're Mormon. We were only briefly able to talk with her, but I really hope we left the impression on her of a happy family that has stuck together. 

I really hope she wants that, it resonates with her, and one day those missionaries will knock on her door and she'll get that eternal family and all the blessings that come with it. 

This gospel is pretty awesome and I hey to be with these weirdos forever. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Hawaii Jet Lag

I write this while laying in bed and reading blogs at 6 am local time. It's this terrible combination of jet lag (it's 10 am in Utah) and my stupid teacher internal clock that has been waking up far too early since August. We'll fix that soon enough. 

Thursday we drove to St George, stayed up late talking and laughing with my family (and the Beard played old school Gameboy Pokemon with my little brother), then we were up at 5 and heading to Vegas for our flight to Honolulu. 

5 sounds pretty early for a 9 am flight, right? That's what we thought too until we were running through the Vegas airport with our bags to barely make the flight. Not as glamorous as Home Alone. 

After a lot of Diet Coke, another flight to Kauai and a Costco run -- we're here! Until Thursday!! Check out my Instagram for more drool-worthy pics at @dholdy :)