Sunday 24 March 2013

Giveaway Winner!

Thanks to all entered the giveaway and checked out Katie's Etsy store and blog. She is awesome and I think we all benefit from her craftiness. Stay tuned for my attempt at her french macaron recipe.

The winner of our little giveaway from Katie's TwentySix Eleven shop is the hilarious and sweet Danica Rugg from The Jake and Dani Story (that's mainly about Hadley). Her blog is also worth checking out - she makes me believe in real, messy, wonderful motherhood. With a name like Danica, she's bound to be pretty cool.

Email me Dani! Contact me at dholdy{at} and we'll get you all hooked up.

Everyone else - don't forget there is a coupon code valid for all of my readers for Katie's shop! If you have any decorat-y/design-y needs check out her store and email her - she's really nice and great at customization.

Use code CHEETAH25 for 25% off your order at her store!

Also, this giveaway was fun. Lets do it again. Email me if you are interested in advertising your product or services. :)

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