Monday 11 February 2013

Popcorn Popping over on Apricot Lane

They don't have popcorn. Sorry. I don't mean to false-advertise. It was just too catchy to pass up.

What they do have is a rockin store full of trendy and classic clothes, sparkly baubles and The Beard's favorite - a boyfriend COUCH (upgrade from the usual boyfriend chair) with a big flatscreen TV. That way he could sit and watch ESPN the whole time I cased the store.

Our friend Aubry contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I'd like to style an outfit for their lookbook. After my excited giggling subsided I coolly and calmly responded that I probably could do that for her. I guess.

So I went down and got to style an outfit from their impressive selection of tops, bottoms, layering pieces, accessories and crazy amounts of jewels. Pretty much the best day of my life. It was made all the more fun by Kirsten and Sarah's company.

As you guys know, I'm pretty minimalist. I can't even layer without feeling overdone. I end up peeling off my layers before I get to school.

You also know I'm a bit of a fan of monochromatic black/gray ensembles. The sleeker the better. Sometimes I feel like Angela on the Office. "What are your favorite colors?" "Well, gray, dark gray, charcoal..." So this coat was kind of a no brainer. Plus it was soft and comfy. Win-win-win.

Aubry suggested that I put together an outfit that would be a great Valentines Date Night look - probably because I looked like a deer in headlights over all of my options.

Personally I like to look somewhat obnoxiously pink or red or both on V-day, because I get overly excited for random holidays. Here's a second type of look for those of us who aren't in 3rd grade on Valentine's day. Don't be surprised that it's minimalist and black-based.

These coated jeans give the look of leather (which I LOVE) without the sticky, tight feel. They lend the perfect amount of edge. As you can tell, I'm a shorty in need of some tailoring for my pants...

This shirt drew me in immediately. The fabric is light, but thick enough to look and feel like tweed. Paired with the dark, tight jeans it has an academic-meets-street feel. This shirt is the perfect reason to shop at a chic boutique like Apricot Lane - you can't find this stuff at your friendly neighborhood Forever 21. And you're missing out.

Let's talk accessories. Their selection was insane. I somehow always think I need black and gold jewelry because I wear it so much (even though I've got strands and strands of it in my jewelry stand). The chunky black necklace adds some intrigue to the simplicity of the outfit.

And boy can you start a pretty awesome arm party with their bracelet selection. I opted for this thick metal and leather band. Could I have added 100 sparkly gold bracelets? Yes. Would the Beard like it? No.

"You're too jingly and pokey!!"

Moral of the Story: Go check out Apricot Lane and those girls' blogs. You won't regret it.

Also, how do I make this going to stores/putting together looks/blogging about it thing my full time job? Anyone out there wanna pay me to do all their personal shopping? Clothing market research? Dressing room quality inspector?


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