Monday 21 January 2013

It Takes One to Know One

So this last week I've kind of felt like the lady in the white shirt.

Still hanging in there guys, don't you worry. But if anyone wants to send me additional YouTube videos or go get cupcakes with me, I'm not saying I couldn't use it. Two 4-day weeks with a 4 day weekend is definitely helping. Do you know how much cuddling I've done with Glen Coco? The limit does not exist.

So on Saturday we went on a classy double date with the in-laws. Tsunami off 106th is our new joint. It used to be Sammy's back in the day (no, really. It was OUR place. Check their Facebook pic.), but now the waiters know us here. Seriously the sushi is amazing.

We also took them to Pirate-O's, which made me super nostalgic about when I was in the U.K. two summers ago. Man I want to travel again.

Finally, we took them to Scheels since they had never been. We love Scheels: athletic gear, clothes and American Presidents? Yahtzee.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about what happens when I see other girls and their style out and about. I often wonder if I'm the only one that does this.

I'm obvs super judgy about bad outfits. Mostly just things that are in bad taste - ill-fitting, immodest, dirty, bad condition, Uggs, etc. But it doesn't make me necessarily dislike the person. It's more of a "Oh honey. Let me come over and rake your closet." Condescending and judgmental still, I know.

However, when I see a girl with great style, I am not filled with jealousy or even envy (maybe a little if she's got a really expensive bag or shoes). I see that girl with great style and think "All right girlfriend. I'd like to be your friend. We'll get along."

So at Scheels the other night, I see a girl wearing a very cute military-style red coat with semi-ruffly peplum along the bottom. I motioned to my mother-in-law and said "I love her coat!" then turned my back and kept walking.

My mother-in-law caught up with me in a few seconds, laughing. "After you walked off that girl sure gave you a look!" Apparently this girl, after seeing me smile and point out her coat, maybe even hearing me say I liked it, looked me up and down with disdain.

Ok I was starting to feel the effects of the flu that now has me huddled like a fetus near my baby fireplace. But please girlfriend. Try not to be so obvious when you judge other people. I can at least hide it, so you better practice. Maybe you could practice in the mirror wearing your cheap mid-calf boots. They are fodder enough for acidic stares.

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