Tuesday 13 November 2012

Bloggers and Jewelry and Slutty Brownies, Oh My!

My friend and fellow blogger Miss Gentri Lee invited me to a blogger party on Saturday at her new salon - A la Mode Studios in Draper. She does facials, makeup, eyelash extensions and generally makes you look better than you naturally look. She's amazing. She did makeup and consultations, as well as jewelry giveaways and delicious treats to throw a super fun party and spread the word about her services.

Check out her blog and give her a call if you need/want to look prettier for something/anything/nothing. She's a beauty wizard and bite-sized fun. 

It was so much fun to meet new blogger friends and see Gentri work her magic in the studio. The cute jewelry and other prizes were courtesy of: cheerfully charmed, (kno)name, perfectly posh c/o tiffany, pixie pie 

I won an awesome (kno) Name watch and cute Cheerfully Charmed earrings (above)! Yahtzee!

Gentri asked me to bring some treats so I made...... drumroll..... Slutty Brownies! Found of course on Pinterest, these have been my latest bake for the last few events I've needed treats for. As seen on the red tray above, they are deliciously messy and positively satanic for your diet. Cookie dough, oreos and brownie batter. Idiot proof and delicious.

These girls were delightful. I should do blogger meetups more often. I get invited to them or see them advertised all the time but never go. Mostly because I'm lazy. But this one has me converted to the blogger world.  Even if I didn't come with the blogger bun and red lipstick, they still accepted me as one of their own. Thanks, blogging world of Utah.

Classy. Just pure classy.

I didn't even meet everyone, but I added like 10 new awesome blogs to my blogroll. If you are looking for a bunch of fun new ladies to follow, check out the comprehensive list compiled by Gentri and Sarah on Gentri's blog. If you're anything like me you're a compulsive blog reader, Diet Coke drinker and puppy cuddler. Well at least a blog reader. So check it out.

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