Monday 15 October 2012

Falling for Fall Break

Oh the short weekend. When freedom isn't so far away, and Monday is simply a Wednesday. I love short weeks. If I could work 4 10-hour days and always have a 3 day weekend I'd do it in a heartbeat. Man. I love a short week.

Fall Break is this week for me. Unfortunately it didn't line up with my family's fall breaks, which were the previous week, but I still get two days off so I'm not complaining. 

I'm in love with fall, like everyone else. {Oh, you weren't sure because I didn't post 1,000 pictures of sweaters & leaves (see below), obsess over pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING and tweet my pure love for the season every 20 minutes? Well let this reassure you.}

Seeing how it's been 80 DEGREES FARENHEIT up until last week.... I thought it was prudent to lay off the fall traditions. You know, like we used to before Pinterest existed. I'm looking at you, girls wearing boots and coats in September. You're gross. 

Well now we have finally arrived.
The leaves are an ever-changing tapestry. 
The air has that crisp bite like the carbonation of a fresh can of soda. 
Goosebumps spread rapidly over my bare legs, screaming for tights. 
The ubiquitous pumpkin spices our views and desserts.
Glen's new favorite activity is attacking the dying flower bushes around our stair entry. 
Slutty Halloween costumes flood the front aisles of Wal-Mart.

It truly is magic. 

Without further ado, I submit my Fall Break to-do list, open for suggestions, corrections, additions or your attendance!
  • Canyon hike/walk with my favorite Derrick girls
  • CDP (Classy Dinner Party) with the Findeis'
  • Making this delicious pumpkin treat
  • Zombie movie/Walking Dead marathon
  • Reading a new book (I just finished Water for Elephants, looking for something not about animals being abused, thanks....)
  • Yoga
  • Temple trip (If you knew how rarely we go, living 1/2 mile away, you'd judge us so hard)
  • Sweats. Always. 
  • Taking Glen Coco to the park, all bundled up obvs
  • Figuring out a good Halloween costume. The Beard is working late Halloween, and I can't be Leslie Knope without my Ron Swanson. I also can't be Hermione for the 3rd year in a row...
  • Spa Day - basically I just use every possible beauty product in my house: face mask, deep conditioning treatment for my hair, mani/pedi, etc. 
  • Make my favorite drink - Hot Vanilla. It will change your life. 
How am I going to fit this all into a 4 day weekend, you ask? Autumn is magic, remember?

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