Thursday, 30 August 2012

Back to School

I haven't posted in 2 weeks, so you might have guessed that school is in full swing. Starting last week, I was at the school every day working on all kinds of stuff, going to meetings, and drinking lots and lots of caffeine. Turns out if you spend your whole summer sleeping as late as you want, being at school at 7:20 am is pretty rough.

This first week is sort of killing me. I'm out of "teacher shape." But it's so fun to be back! It's weird how quick you can fall back into teacher mode.

First day of school outfit! Yes I planned this days in advance, just like 2nd grade. I miss you Tweety Bird backpack.

I love my new heels, and wore them the entire first day. And by wore them I mean I stood, paced and ran all over the school in them. At the end of the day I didn't have blisters, but my dogs were barking and ONE OF MY TOES WAS NUMB. And it hasn't gone away! The interwebs says it's normal and it's just temporary nerve damage. So I guess I just get used to it for now? WTF

I came home to a clean house, warm delicious homemade dinner (by the Beard) and a beautiful new bamboo plant, which I talk about buying every time we go to Harmon's. Ryan's kindness healed my foot! He didn't even get mad when I fell asleep on him several times. What a guy.

Starting new, I just keep thinking of last year. I learned so much last year, and I keep making mental notes of all the things I would like to do differently. *Kind of long. Probs only teachers will fully understand this. But it applies to life.*
  1. Be more serious. Last year it was hard to not feel like an intern. It was hard to take myself as a teacher seriously, because I felt that many people in the staff and administration weren't taking me seriously. Like I was just a cheap placeholder. As long as I wasn't causing problems or making waves, they could just forget about me. Teaching is a profession, and one we should take pride in. We get to change lives and be someone vitally important in these  teen's lives. It means dressing more professionally (even though I was overdressed compared to much of the staff last year), paying real attention in my meetings and stepping up to help where I can in the school.
  2. Be on time. It's so easy to roll in a little late, especially as the year goes on. I don't clock in. No one is waiting at my door. Yet, the days when I am on time run much more smoothly. Not to mentions it is a measure of honesty and integrity that I can improve upon. 
  3. Plan in advance. I hate to admit this, but I don't think I'm alone in "flying by the seat of my pants" many days. It wasn't uncommon to have no idea what we were doing next week, not to mention days that I didn't even read through the PowerPoint for the following day. I was so tired and overwhelmed sometimes, but in reality it only made me more stressed and exhausted to feel unprepared and naive. I've never been a formal lesson planner, but this year I'm thinking out my agenda for each day and outlining it briefly. I already feel more confident about it. 
  4. Spend more time with my students. The best memories from last year were times that I was interacting with my students, even if it wasn't directly related to the curriculum. I want to meet my kids at the door - it makes a huge difference. I want to ask them about themselves and follow up with what's going on in their lives. I want them to feel comfortable with me (not in a friend way, don't misunderstand me), and to know that I value them.
  5. Emphasize positivity. Last year I figured this out halfway through the year. I had the choice of spending another semester stressing about assignments, tests and notes, or I could have fun teaching. And I did! I reinforced my important rules, and then let everything else go. We started having a great time learning, and I think the kids appreciated it even more than I did. 
  6. Be a better example. This school is very different than Mapleton Junior High. A large section of the staff and student body are nonmembers, and it really made me examine my conduct. Do I want to be one of those Mormons that reinforces their views of bigoted hypocrites? No! I want to be a good person, a great teacher and a fun friend that is also a Latter-day Saint. 
  7. Take care of myself. Last year I would wait until I was sick to sufficiently hydrate and sleep. I wasn't super vigilant about hand sanitizer. I would veg on the couch when I was tired after school, instead of making myself exercise. I drank WAY too much DDP. I'm trying to set a healthier pattern. I've even gone to the gym on my way home after school! (It helps that I get off at 3:30 and the Beard works till 10)
To my new teacher and prospective teacher friends - don't get frustrated because your idealistic view isn't materializing. It won't for a while. And don't get bogged down in the administrative logistical details of daily teacher life. Take some time to remember why you are doing this and what you (and the kids) will remember in 5 years. I'm going to strive to remember our district motto:

Every child, everyday. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Set a-Thrift

I've never been a thrifter. Which is odd, because I'm not a splurge-r either. Don't get me wrong, I will drop a scary amount of money on a shopping trip, but it's always on like 50+ items all under $20. I rarely buy expensive items. So you'd think a thrift store would be right up my alley.

My cute friend Miss Shannon over at GBO Fashion is a thrift expert - she always seems to find awesome stuff. Check out this amazing outfit she put together - entirely with thrifted stuff! She'll be guest posting at Fabulessly Frugal today about her top thrifting tips. Check it! Anyways... she inspired me to give it a shot.

The first couple of times I was pretty grossed out. I just pictured the grossest people sitting on their gross couches eating gross Cheetos and spilling gross root beer all over themselves in these clothing items. Plus everything I looked at was ugly. No surprise it ended up at a thrift store.

Finally, I gave it one more try. I was casually killing some time as the peeps at Plato's Closet went through my buy-back stuff. Crammed between the racks of Kmart printed tees labeled "Sweeter than Candy" and "Heartbreaker!" was an Old Navy top (I know. I'm a sucker for cheap Old Navy tops) I had almost purchased last fall. It was loose, knit, striped, and could work with all of my black ensembles! A $4 match made in heaven!

Top - Old Navy via Plato's Closet, Skirt - Gap, Shoes - DSW

Lesson Learned: most of the stuff is awful, and you can't expect success every time. But every once in a while the Thrift Gods of Style smile down upon you.

P.S. we are terrible at taking outfit photos. Yes, we only use the Beard's iPhone. Tips anyone?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Workout Wednesday: The Barre Method

The Barre Method is the hot new thing in fitness. You know, it was Tae-Bo, then Pilates, then Yoga, then Zumba, well now it's Barre Method.

Barre Method is a combination of ballet, Pilates/Yoga and aerobics. The idea is to tone and define your body to achieve a long, lean physique, like a dancer. It's a full body workout, but the legs/butt are definitely going to feel it the most. (My legs are already PISSED at me. Seriously, I'm so sore and so spent. This workout is for real.)

Barre studios are popping up all over the place, but a place like Pure Barre near where I live in Draper is kind of pricey unless you are super dedicated to the barre method. There are online and DVD options as well, but it seemed like the kind of thing that is more beneficial in a real studio. So when the Sandy Gold's Gym offered a Barre class, I jumped on it.

Since it's a Gold's Gym aerobics room, they didn't have the bar on the mirrored walls, so we used chairs, in addition to mats, squishy balls and light hand weights. We started off with a light aerobic warm up and then jumped into leg work with the chair. Basically it's moving your legs all different direction with fluid, controlled movement. We placed the squishy ball behind our knees to work the hamstring and calf during the reps.

Then we moved to the hand weights, coordinated with lunges and heel raisers. Even if your upper body is strong, opt for 1-3 pound weights. You'll be holding and moving them for 10 minutes, so they'll start to feel like 50 pounds.

Finally the class ends with a Pilates-based ab workout on the mat and some serious stretching.

What to Wear: Leggings or Yoga pants that will cling rather than hang loose. A yoga tank or somewhat tight shirt will stay out of your way during swing and crunch movements.

Other tips:

  • Drink lots of water and make sure you eat something substantial a few hours before you go. I hadn't had enough water and only ate some yogurt with granola and started feeling light headed during the class.
  • Go to a Barre class fresh. It's not like yoga or something gentle that you can just go to after your regular workout. It's a challenging, KILLER workout on its own. I was sore from a new lower body workout I tried on Monday, and it made me much less effective during class last night. 
  • Stretch before, immediately after, and long after the class. You'll get super tight otherwise.
  • If you have a background in dance, you'll have a slight advantage, but I don't and I survived.

My final word:

It was a crazy workout that I'll definitely see results from. However, I was expecting it to be more graceful and yoga-like, so when it turned out to be more "aerobics for former Drill Team members" I got a little bored and found myself watching the clock. They've only been doing this class at Gold's for a month and it's still in a "trial" phase, so maybe they'll tinker with it. Hopefully.

Also it didn't help that the girl next to me set her mat less than 12 inches from mine and thought she was auditioning for Step Up 7: Samba in Space. Really? No one is that impressed by you Miss "Never Gave Up My Dream."

I don't think I'll go to another class, just because it was a little too tedious for me. Everyone in the class seemed to be stretched a little thin as well, but a few people (Step Up girl) were loving it. If you are into dance/ballet/controlled leg movements/flexibility, then this might be the class for you. Give it a shot with this YouTube workout and see what you think!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Button Me Up

Alright folks. I'm finally getting up to blogger speed and creating a button for my blog. Who knows how long it will take me to figure this crap out, but when it is born, you'll know.

I already have one person lined up to button swap. Any of y'all have buttons you would also like shared on my blog? Shoot me an email or comment and we'll make it happen. And if you don't have one, hopefully I can walk you through it once I make mine. I am a teacher, after all.

We're big kids in the blogging world now.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Mental Housekeeping

After a brave and awesome post by Sierra, and brave, exposing posts by many other bloggers I respect. I wrote this. First in my head, never to be published. Then typed slowly here, to show others that I understand and that we all have these challenges that no one can see. And they're good for us! Be mad! Be sad! And let it make your life and character bigger and better. And then blog about it!

**This is not about the Beard. He is very worried people will think it's about him. It's not. I love the Beard and he is great.**

To the person:

Who makes me second guess even my best decisions

Who can sink my heart to the floor of the proverbial ocean with a phrase or a look

Who only wants to use me like a social credit card, but never pays me off

Who would refuse to be impressed even if Mitt Romney named me his VP running mate

Who has verbally confessed to trying to "bring me down"

Who hides behind a thick veneer of smiles

I wish I could write a cathartic Taylor Swift song about you that would make me millions of dollars, that I could swing my long blonde hair back and forth to onstage. Releasing all the angst that I feel.

I wish I could turn this frustration and inadequacy into some award winning poem or novel or movie script. And that you'd have to watch it, and hear how much EVERYONE loved it and how awesome I am.

But then I hate myself for wishing that, because deep down, I don't hate you. I don't. I don't even want you to hurt. Because although my heart is hard, it is not cold. I just want to be happy and feel ok. Deep down I know you aren't happy either. And I don't like that. Why would we both sit in mutual unhappiness? Idiocy.

And every inspirational quote on Pinterest says that I am in control of my feelings. It's Danica's fault if she feels sad, abused or inadequate in any way.

So you're done. I'm really sorry that you don't like me. I've never meant to rub you the wrong way. I've tried so hard to make up for whichever of my may personality flaws repels you, but this is enough.

You've overstayed your (un)welcome that corner of my brain. Go ahead and pack up the baggage I've been carrying around for you. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. And if you look back, I won't be. I'll be living my life, having a great time, not dwelling on what you might think of me.

Because it only matters what I think of me. And I kind of like me. So suck it!