Sunday 17 June 2012

"That's LAME." - Ed Budge, My Father

The other day, I was sitting at my brother's baseball game and my dad goes-

"Dan, those shoes are cool." - Ed

"Thanks, Dad!" - Danica

".... Sometimes, Always, Never..." - Ed

I LOLed. And then pondered on the fact that my dad regularly reads my blog, even the girly S-A-N fashion posts, and supports me.

To the man who taught me to love the Chicago Cubs from Day 1

To the man who loves Disneyland more than anything

To the man who spent countless hours with me at the softball fields

To the man who put our family first

To the man who helped me get to the temple (and to the new dad I got in the temple! I have a Chad now too!)

I have always and will always be a daddy's girl. I love you dad! Thanks for being the best. Not LAME.

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