Tuesday 8 May 2012

Type A Fashion

Situation: I'm a very Type A (red) personality. I like structure, schedules, planning, countdowns, lists and deadlines. I am a control freak, a leader and bossy. As I type that, I realize how incredible it is that anyone married me. Thanks, Beard! Despite my obsession with structure and minimalism, I love fashion, style, flair.

Problem: I'm sick of wearing the same predictable outfits. BUT I'm not creative. When I do feel spontaneous my chambray shirt is wrinkled, the sweater that matches my classic but rarely worn J.Crew pencil skirt is in the wash, and my running-late mornings lead me straight to my predominately black outfits.

Solution: A combination of the left and right brain. Planning + Creativity.

I decided to start planning all my outfits in advance. And I'm not just talking the night before. Every lazy Sunday night while I'm eating popcorn, The Beard is online gaming, and I'm watching AFV or The Office, I browse my Pinterest style board and outfits I've tagged in Google Reader. I put together a few inspiration outfits that I got from my couch session. Then I pick a few items in my close that I haven't worn in a while or only wear with the same black trousers or whatever. Then I force myself to create an outfit with those items. I (glamorously, see below) iron everything and plan which days to wear certain outfits.

I tried the trick at the beginning of the year where you turn all your hangers backwards. After you wear an item, you turn the hanger back normal-ways (really technical jargon today). By now, almost everything is turned around. However, I still have 5 or 6 things I still haven't worn. That makes the decisions easy. I take one of the sad, lost clothing items and try to wear them. Sometimes I love it and it starts getting into the rotation. But more often than not, it's impossible or I hate it. So when I toss it in my DI pile it's easy to let it go.

I also try to mix up my weekly outfits with a few rules.
  • Professional dress on Mondays and Wednesdays - that's when my meetings are. 
  • Heels once a week. I don't mind wearing heels, I'm just lazy. Its best if I force myself. 
  • Find a new way to wear my School Spirit Sweater each Friday. It got boring to rock it with a white tee, jeans and wedges each week. 
  • Try something new with my hair once a week. Otherwise I go crazy. Thanks, Pinterest!
  • Lately, I've been trying to wear my glasses more. They give me a headache but I look smart, so... tradeoff?
How do you guys choose outfits?

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