Tuesday 25 October 2011


When I was little, I wanted to be old. When I'm old, I'm sure I'll want to be little.

But right now, I'm completely content. Here's 22 reasons why.

1. I'm alive!
2. The Gospel in my life
3. My everything. (Ryan)
4. My incredible family that doubled over the summer and just keeps growing. :)
5. The Office (see babe? I put you above The Office!!!!)
6. Arrested Development
7. Besties. I don't know what I'd do without Eliesa, Katie, Jeanette & Courtney. Even if we go days/weeks without seeing eachother/talking.
8. Tina Fey. (I'm reading her book right now and loving it.Also, Mean Girls had a huge impact on me)
9. My job. I love teaching. There must be something wrong with me.
10. The kids. Crazy? Weird? Gross? Selfish? Lazy? Lovable.
11. Orville Redenbacher's Pop-Up Microwave Popcorn bowl. Also comes with free redbox rentals.
12. Just Dance 2. The only way I work out anymore. I'm so freaking good, you guys.
13. Twitter. You may call me an addict. But I really, REALLY love Twitter. (Follow Me.)
14. CDP. If you have to ask what that means you don't get it. (It means Classy Dinner Party)
15. Allure & Elle Magazine on Newsstand and the new iCloud. The Beard is introducing me to a whole new world of technology.
16. Star Wars Collector's Edition. Best early birthday present of all time.
17. Pinterest. You get it.
18. Our cute little house that I'm slowly learning to domesticate (pictures to come... someday).
19. Being done with school. Every time I see my friends tweet/post about homework, it makes me sick for a second before I remember "suckas!"
20. Missionaries. Jessica, Justin, Jake, Jesslyn. Wow. Just now realizing all my missionaries are Js. Love you all. Thank you for your great example of selfless service.
21. Kindle and iBooks for iPad. Welcome back, Bookworm Danica. We've missed you since 2008.
22. Knowing there are great years to follow these past amazing 22.

Thanks for all your love! I love you all!

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